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Since we do not have time to discuss every point presented, it may <br />!seem that decisions are preconceived. However, background information is <br />provided for the City Council on each agenda item in advance from City <br />Staff and appointed Commissions; and decisions are based on this <br />information and past experiences. In addition, some items may also have <br />been discussed at previous Council meetings. <br />If you are aware of information that hasn't been discussed, please <br />fill out a "Request to Appear Before the City Council" slip; or, if you <br />came late, raise your hand to be recognized. Comments that are pertinent <br />are appreciated. Items requiring excessive time may be continued to <br />another meeting. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />MAY 5, 1992 <br />6:30 p.m. BOARD OF REVIEW RECONVENES <br />7:00 P.M. MEETING CONVENES <br />PROCLAMATION FOR HUFF'N PUFF DAYS <br />1. AGENDA <br />2. MINUTES: April 14, 1992 (Special Workshop) <br />April 21, 1992 <br />3. CLAIMS <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />Hammes Clean -Up Schedule <br />6, PLANNING. LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Old Village Drainfield <br />and Sanitary Sewer Improvements <br />B. Resolution 92-9 approving Stonegate, <br />Phase I Final Plant, and <br />Approval of Developer's Agreement <br />C. FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE <br />D. CITY PARK PLAN <br />E. Proposed Amendment to Lake Elmo Code <br />Relating to the Number of Votes Required <br />to Amend or Approve a Conditional Use Permit <br />Recommendation from Planning Commission <br />F. Other <br />