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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 16, 1992 5 <br />restrict the authorities of the cities to amend that <br />procedure by requiring that all cities agree instead of just <br />four cities. <br />Page 16, Concern that a simple majority of the Board <br />can force some things on all the members. <br />Page 20, Under Land Acquisition, concern with the <br />simple majority of the commission has the power to order the <br />member governmental units to make necessary land <br />acquisition. <br />The City Administrator will contact Rose Armstrong about <br />scheduling a special meeting for Tuesday, June 30th to <br />discuss the Joint Powers agreement. The Council was asked <br />to send their comments about the plan to the Administrator <br />so Rose can incorporate them into her comments. <br />The City Administrator reported that no agreement had been <br />reached with the owners of Cimarron, but it appeared to be <br />negotiable. She had not heard from Dennis Balyeat, HRA, <br />because he was out of town. <br />C. Sign Ordinance Amendment - "City Identification" <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Mottaz - to adopt Ordinance 8067. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />Councilman Williams requested that the Building Inspector be <br />directed to report back at the next meeting on the status of <br />the Tri-Lakes signs. If he finds a correction is needed, he <br />is to come back with suggested correction. <br />D. "Old, Old, Lake Elmo Bank Building" Street <br />Encroachment <br />Mr. Herreid indicated he would be willing to reimburse the <br />city for attorney costs. <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - to direct the staff to set up a <br />public hearing at the earliest possible date to consider <br />vacating a portion of 34th Street (vacate property <br />sufficient to include the overhang). (Motion carried 4-0). <br />E. Bids for appraisal of "Landfill Park" <br />M/S/P Mayor Johnson/Williams - to hire Bill Schwab, <br />Penfield, Inc, to appraise the 110 acre "landfill park" as <br />well as the dedicated area of the Stonegate property at a <br />charge not to exceed $1,200 and direct the city <br />administrator to make an effort to recoup city costs from <br />Ramsey and Washington County. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />