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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 2, 1992 10 <br />Heritaae Preservation Commission: <br />Mayor Johnson reported the HPC will be meeting the first <br />Monday, 7:00 p.m. of each month and requested they meet with <br />the City Council to review their work plan at the Council <br />meeting on July 21st. The city staff will meet with the <br />acting chair, secretary on Wednesday, 1:00, to review the <br />process of agendas, mailing notices and minutes. <br />Lake Problems: <br />Mayor Johnson reported he has had a number of calls on <br />problems on our city lakes; such as, traffic on the lake, <br />skiing after dark, creating wakes before noon, muffler noise <br />of boats. There are problems with parking in "No parking" <br />areas by the DNR access on Lake DeMontreville. He asked the <br />council give some thought on some means of legally providing <br />services on the lakes on the weekends to enforce our <br />ordinance. The City Administrator suggested the Council <br />bring this up to Commissioner Hauser when she attends the <br />next council meeting. <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Recycling Agreement <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - to accept the 1992 contract with <br />Washington County and authorize the city administrator to <br />sign it on behalf of the city. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B. Parks Vacancy <br />The Parks Commission has received the resignation of Scotty <br />Lyall and they recommended that Judy Blackford be appointed <br />to the Second Alternate Position and Tony Collette be moved <br />up to a First Alternate. <br />M/S/P Williams/Hunt - that the Parks Commission <br />recommendation be followed and Judy Blackford be appointed <br />to Second Alternate position because her application was <br />dated first and that Barbara Tuckner be notified that her <br />application will be on file and considered for the next <br />vacancy. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Lake Elmo Business Association - Informational <br />The City received a memo from the Lake Elmo Business <br />Association noting that a group of Lake Elmo Business people <br />are trying to find out if there is enough interest in the <br />area to renew this association. <br />