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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 6, 1992 2 <br />Mary recommended Station No. 2 parking lot be completed <br />because there is $27,000 in the fire dept. reserve. Also, <br />the DeMontreville Park parking lot could be done out of the <br />Parks Dept. reserve. <br />Marilyn explained the Fire Dept. wants the part of Fire <br />Station No. 1 paved and then repave where it is falling <br />apart which Dan Olinger has just patched. They want the <br />Parks to pay for it because they use it for parking at ball <br />games. <br />Mayor Johnson indicated Fire Station No. 1 could be put off <br />until 1993 and should be put in the 1993 budget. This <br />parking lot could be done when they do Laverne Avenue. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Mayor Johnson - to reconsider the August 4, <br />1992 motion voted upon by the Council (3-0). (Motion <br />carried 3-0). <br />M/S/F Mottaz/Mayor Johnson - to authorize the city engineer <br />to prepare Feasibility Reports and direct staff to prepare <br />public hearing notices for the six maintenance projects as <br />stated in Tom Prew's memo of July 31, 1992. (Motion failed <br />0-4). <br />The Council reconsidered this motion for the following <br />reasons: the time frame was too short, the budget does not <br />allow for the expenditure that they have since discovered <br />would be required to do the projects, that they were <br />provided incomplete information on the extent and expense <br />involved. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to authorize the City Engineer <br />to prepare preliminary studies for Station No. 2 parking lot <br />and the DeMontreville Park parking lot. (Motion carried 4- <br />0) . <br />There was a Council consensus that the appropriate city <br />staff, such as the City Administrator, Finance Director, <br />Maintenance Foreman, Parks Supervisor, who work with our <br />engineering firm get involved in a discussion with TKDA and <br />come back to the Council with a recommendation on whether or <br />not to continue with TKDA. <br />Mayor Johnson suggested that in March our Maintenance <br />Foreman and City Engineer come to the city with their <br />proposal on how and where to use street maintenance funds. <br />There has to be some timelines set. <br />Councilman Johnson suggested a yearly agenda calendar be <br />developed for major projects. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Dick Johnson - to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 <br />p.m. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />