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mmnnnm <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY <br />OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR -TREASURER <br />PAYABLE 1993 TRUTH IN TAXATION <br />CERTIFICATION FORM FOR CITIES/TOWNS <br />District Name: CITY OF LAKE ELHO <br />Public Hearing Date: Tuesday, December 1. 1992 <br />Time of meeting: 7: 30 P.11, <br />Place of meeting: Lake Elmo Council Chambers <br />3800 Laverne Ave. No. -Lake Elmo TIN <br />Continuation Date: December 9, 1992 <br />The "Notice of Proposed Property Tax" sent to each taxpayer no longer contains <br />information about where to send comments and/or review a copy of your proposed <br />budget. Please provide us with a contact name and phone number to whom <br />we may refer specific taxpayer questions. <br />Name or Title: Marilyn Banister <br />Address: 3300 Laverne Ave -No. <br />Lake Elmo, TIN 55042 <br />Phone number: 777_ ssIf) <br />Proposed Pay 1993 Levy: Debt Levy* 100,228 - CO Equin Bond <br />(*please provide detail of debt levy by bond on an additional sheet) <br />Mkt Value Levy 941 974 <br />Other Levy 50,000 - Landfill Referendum <br />Total Levy $ 1,092,202 <br />Signature of person <br />completing this form: x ,J/.y �• <br />Title: <br />Finance Director <br />Phone number: 777-5510 <br />Date: Sentenh-gr 11 1992 <br />