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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 18, 1992 5 <br />Councilman Williams questioned if there was incorporation of <br />( topography into the alignment of the roads. Example given <br />was Fox Fire Manor Second Addition where there are steep <br />slopes. Other concerns were looking at right angle <br />intersections if at all possible and access points on state <br />and county roads. <br />B. Street Light Request - Oakdale Gun Club <br />Douglas Reed, Oakdale Gun Club, is requesting a street light <br />installed on the power pole 20 feet east of their driveway <br />at 10386 North loth St. They feel a street light in this <br />location will be an important safety item for their members <br />and for public shooters who use the range. <br />The City Administrator will inform the propertyowner of city <br />policy on street light requests and also inform them of the <br />option that the propertyowner could install driveway lights <br />to delineate their driveway. <br />C. Valley Branch Watershed District Appointment <br />The Council received a letter from Gordon Moosbrugger asking <br />for consideration of recommending him to the Washington <br />County Board of Commissioners for reappointment to the Board <br />of Managers of Valley Branch Watershed District. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Williams - to defer any action for the present <br />time and invite Gordon Moosbrugger to attend the September <br />1st council meeting and request Dick Johnson contact Dick <br />Murray as to if he is interested in this appointment. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />D. Cottage Grove Ravine Joint Powers Agreement <br />The Council was asked to review the original agreement <br />(1984) as well as the August 4, 1992 amendment to understand <br />the wording change. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to submit the final copy distributed <br />to the Council before it is passed along to the Watershed <br />Board. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />At their August 4th meeting, the Council authorized the City <br />Engineer to solicit bids for patching and spot overlay work <br />in the amount of $12,000 and to prepare plans and specs for <br />parking lots at DeMontreville Park and Fire Station No. 2. <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Hunt - to authorize $12,000 for street <br />repair improvements. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />