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CC/PZ JOINT MEETING SEPTEMBER 29, 1992 2 <br />Our company would be looking at the two resolutions to the requirements of the Met <br />Council that would have to be met in order for utilities to be available for this site. When and <br />how are you going to bring the utilities to the site, what will be the cost, and how will the cost <br />be levied. You have already done an engineering feasibility study which may be enough, <br />4. Will the developer be sizing the water for more than <br />just his own use? <br />This is more of a city question. Do you want a larger well to handle future use? We <br />were talking about 40,000 gallon per day which is more than adequate for their office facility. <br />5. Will the city receive a developers commitment regarding <br />the size, cost, and value of the structure prior to the city <br />extending the MUSA line? <br />No, this would not be feasible. We would want an amendment to the comprehensive plan <br />to extend the MUSA line before there is any commitment on paper, but not physically install <br />utilities. <br />6. If the developer does not continue with his plans, what <br />negative impact will this have on the city? <br />None. If this developer does not come in, we are not going to come to you and ask <br />you to install the utilities and we'll pay you back. We are going to do it when we have <br />somebody that is ready to go. <br />7. When will the "phantom developer" come forward and <br />publicly declare their plans --are we to deal with hearsay or <br />a representative of the company? <br />Their representative will come forward once they make their decision or they may purchase <br />it under an ABC company. They will not make an announcement until a six month due <br />diligence period. <br />Mr. Burkards stated he would be happy to give the city a <br />written formal request outlining what it is they are looking <br />for and what actions does the city have to take. He will ask <br />the company representative the following questions that were <br />raised. What are the SAC units required and how much water <br />do they require? Would they be willing to submit more <br />escrow for engineering and financial studies if needed to <br />satisfy the clients demand for documents? If this is going <br />to be a corporate headquarters, would they be interested in <br />using the Lake Elmo airport? Burkards will contact the City <br />Administrator with the answers. <br />The Business Park Ordinance, Limited Business Ordinance, <br />Comp Plan Amendment Resolution, and the Development <br />Moratorium will be on the October 6th city council agenda. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Hunt to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 n.m. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />