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M/S/F Mottaz/Mayor Johnson - to endorse Option 4, with the <br />addition of acquiring property east of County Road 13. <br />(Motion failed 2-3: Williams, Hunt, Dick Johnson). <br />M/S/P Mayor Johnson/Mottaz - to amend the motion to purchase <br />the right-of-way to County Road 13, as a means of <br />compromising, the city commits to broad setbacks for <br />reserving this corridor. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Dick Johnson/Mayor Johnson - to endorse the concept of <br />Option 5 with the provision we purchase the right-of-way to <br />County Road 13 and the city commits to broad setbacks for <br />reserving this corridor. (Motion carried 4-1: Hunt). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Williams - to direct the planning commission to <br />look into if any amendments to the comp plan are needed as a <br />result of the city council actions. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />EMPLOYEE EVALUATIONS: <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Williams - to take $5,000 out of council <br />reserves for 1992 for pay rate adjustments retroactive to <br />July 1, 1992 to be determined by the city administrator and <br />the council to take the matter of city administrator's <br />salary as a separate issue. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - that the city administrator's salary <br />be adjusted by the addition of $1000, which is effectively <br />$2000 per year increase for 1992 because it will be only <br />retroactive to July 1st. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />The city administrator's 1992 rate including the 2% cost of <br />living we already granted is $37,434 so that would <br />effectively elevate it to $39,434 except for the fact that <br />it is good for only the last six months. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Hunt - to adjourn the council meeting at 8:55 <br />p.m. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Councilman Hunt requested that Councilmen Williams and <br />Johnson vote on the October 6th claims. <br />M/S/P Williams/Dick Johnson - to reconvene the meeting to <br />discuss the October 6th claims. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Mayor Johnson - to pay the October 6th claims <br />except for claim #946 to Holmes and Graven. (Motion carried <br />4-0-1: Abstain: Hunt). <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Williams - to adjourn the council meeting at <br />9:05 p.m. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />