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11-05-92 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-05-92 CCM
Entry Properties
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SUBMITTED BY COUNCILMA14 WILLIAMS ON NOVEMBER 5, 1992 <br />Proposed Scenario for Developer Funding for utilities for United <br />Properties area. The idea is to avoid any up front costs to the City, <br />to have the Developer eventually pay only his fair share, but for that <br />Developer to carry the excess costs until other property owners hook <br />up. <br />1. The "Developer", as owner of the property, signs an agreement with <br />the City covering the following points. <br />2. City floats General obligation bonds to pay for utilities and other <br />needed infrastructure and the feasibility study. <br />3. The Developer establishes an escrow fund to pay at least the <br />interest on the bonds for three years or until City has actually <br />started to receive taxes on the development. This may require a <br />periodic renewal of the escrow if the development is delayed. The <br />Developer may begin paying off his assessment immediately, if desired, <br />but the escrow must be in place to cover at least the full bond <br />interest until the development begins to generate taxes. <br />4. In the year after the City has first received taxes from the <br />development, any remainder of the escrow fund is released, and the <br />Developer starts paying off the entire bond (both principal and <br />interest) by paying assessments on a 15 year basis. For the next three <br />years, 50% of the City share of taxes from the development will offset <br />the Developer's assessments. For the following three years, 25% of the <br />City share of taxes from the development will offset the Developer's <br />assessments. No further offset of assessments by taxes will be given. <br />5. At the time any other property connects to the utilities, the owner <br />of that property will pay a fair share assessment on a 15 year basis, <br />plus interest accrued from the date of bond issue, with this money <br />being rebated to the (United Properties) Developer. <br />6. For any non-residential development worth $5,000,000 or more on any <br />property served by the utilities, the same "three years - 50%, then <br />three years - 25%, tax -assessment offset" in #4 above will be applied, <br />beginning in the year after the City has actually received taxes from <br />the other development. <br />
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