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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 9, 1992 <br />M. Sarkissian, 8290 Hidden Bay Court, asked if there is less <br />of a need for an assessor now the County has the needed <br />information on the computer. <br />Councilman Hunt suggested reducing some of the reserve <br />funds. The Council decided to cut $20,000 from the Fire <br />Department reserves, $15,000 from the maintenance reserves <br />and $15,000 from sealcoating. <br />Finance Director Banister pointed out there was a carryover <br />of $53,713 from the landfill account and the city also had <br />$50,000 budgeted for 1992. Councilman Williams proposed <br />cutting $25,000 from the landfill account which is used to <br />pay expenses incurred in fighting the Lake Elmo landfill. <br />The Council discussed Councilman Williams suggestion to cut <br />operating expenses of each department. Councilman Mottaz <br />felt they shouldn't just tell department heads that they <br />were going to get less money without giving them a chance to <br />show their need. Referring to his firm where he works, <br />Councilman Hunt indicated that handing down numbers is a way <br />of life and the departments would live with the numbers that <br />the council gave them. The operation cuts that the council <br />decided on were: public works $8,000, parks $2,000, fire <br />$3,000, administration $500, and building inspection $500, <br />Councilman Johnson suggested a 1% decrease in salaries of <br />the city staff which would reduce the budget $3,000. <br />The Council finalized its 1993 budget with cutting $92,000 <br />out of the budget. The total levy for taxable property in <br />Lake Elmo to be collected in 1993 is $1 million. <br />M/S/P Williams/Mottaz - to adopt Resolution No. 92-28, A <br />resolution approving the proposed 1992 tax levy collectible <br />in 1993 upon the taxable property in the City of Lake Elmo <br />for the following purposes: (Motion carried 5-0). <br />General Fund $ 874,974 <br />Landfill Referendum 25,000 <br />Equipment Certificate 100,228 <br />Total Levy $1,000,202 <br />Mayor Johnson closed the public hearing at 10:35 p.m. <br />