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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 19, 1993 2 <br />Ray Press suggested that the city run an auxiliary group, <br />not to ticket people, but to help the undermanned snowmobile <br />patrol. <br />Deputy Pat Olson reported the Washington County Deputies are <br />patrolling aggressively and snowmobilers have been cited. <br />The Council will look into signage along the highly traffic <br />areas, advise the residents, snowmobile clubs, neighboring <br />cities and Twin Point Tavern of the problems the City is <br />having with snowmobiles and that Lake Elmo is enforcing <br />their snowmobile ordinance. Another suggestion was to insert <br />an article in newsletters of neighboring cities. <br />The City Administrator will draft the wording and bring it <br />back for council approval. <br />Mayor John and Councilman Johnson indicated they would <br />support a complete ban of snowmobiling if needed. Council <br />members Conlin and Mottaz suggested waiting to see if the <br />signage would be effective. <br />5. Washington County: CSAH 10 Improvement <br />Don Theisen and Dick Herold, Washington County Public Works <br />Dept., presented plans for CSAH 10 improvements from I694 to <br />1/4 mile E. of CSAH 13. Mr. Farrel Robinson, Traffic <br />engineer, described how the traffic study was done and how <br />they arrived at the traffic count. The County said that a 4- <br />lane road will be needed in about six years, so the road <br />should be reconstructed to meet the future needs now. <br />Theisen pointed out they intend to provide replacement <br />wetlands on the property in the NW quadrant of CSAH 10 and <br />CSAH 13 north and west of Armstrong Lake. This project <br />requires a permit from the MN DNR for fill in protected <br />water and the city would be allowed to comment to the DNR on <br />this permit. <br />Tom Armstrong stated he owns 3/4ths of the frontage north of <br />the road bed and if Armstrong Lake is going to be disturbed <br />he would like to see the lake disturbed only once. The <br />County had planned on a 2-lane improvement, but is going to <br />purchase enough of his property for a 4-lane anyway. <br />Therefore, he would support the 4-lane done now so lie would <br />be able to build a fence and plant trees. <br />Councilman Johnson felt that the funds could be spent <br />improving other roads in the County. The reason he voted for <br />a 2-lane road was because it was pointed out that State Hwy <br />5 was 2-lanes from Jamaca Avenue to Hwy 36, and it would be <br />a long time before 10th Street reaches traffic counts that <br />are on Hwy 5 which in the judgement of the state highway <br />dept is not a 4-lane road. If highway 5 could be 2-lane, <br />certainly 10th Street could be 2-lane in that area based on <br />