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MINUTES APPROVED: 3-2-93 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />FEBRUARY 16, 1993 <br />Mayor John called the city council meeting to order at 7:06 <br />p.m. in the city council chambers. PRESENT: Mayor John, <br />Mottaz, Conlin, Johnston, Johnson, City Engineer Bohrer, <br />City Attorney Filla and Administrator Kueffner. <br />1. AGENDA <br />Add: 5E. Police Contract, 8B. Update on Olson Lake Pond, <br />8C. 1993 MSA Feasibility Study, 8D Preparation for Storm <br />Water Utility Information meeting. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Johnston - to approve the February 16, 1993 <br />City Council agenda as amended. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />2. MINUTES: February 2, 1993 <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Conlin - to approve the February 2, 1993 City <br />Council minutes as amended. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />3. CLAIMS (No claims list) <br />PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL <br />Valley Branch Watershed District Vacancy <br />Diane Kruse, Oakdale, has submitted her resignation from the <br />Valley Branch Watershed District Board of Managers effective <br />February 19, 1993. A copy of the County's advisory board <br />application form is available at City Hall and a list of <br />nominees will be considered prior to March 5, 1993. This <br />vacancy will be advertised on cable. <br />Traffic Figures on 10th Street <br />Steve DeLapp, 8468 Lake Jane Trail, stated that the figures <br />that Washington County used in a prior meeting were <br />inflated. He feels that the road, if it were remodeled, <br />could handle 14,000 vehicles per day when the county used <br />11,500 in the year 2010. He asked the council to consider <br />this long term alternative --Fix the roadbed, including <br />shoulders, and resurface the driving lanes for County 10 to <br />accommodate a 45 mph two-lane 40 foot wide urban profile <br />after a 1/4 mile taper from a four lane section between I- <br />694 and Helmo. Include at state cost, the full amount of <br />the landscaping allowance. By installing curbs and limiting <br />speeds to 45, trees and shrubs can be planted to separate <br />the road from adjacent houses and wetlands and be <br />aesthetically desirable. <br />The Council listened, but didn't feel it was the right time <br />to discuss the issue without the County present. The <br />Council decided to continue on with the county's plans. <br />