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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 16, 1993 4 <br />The City received a letter from Larry Westerberg, DNR <br />Forester, indicating the pine stand in question is overly <br />dense and needs to be thinned to improve the overall health <br />and vigor of the trees. He did not expect any adverse <br />effects to the remaining trees as a result of this thinning. <br />Several council members indicated that the ordinance in the <br />present condition was poorly worded. Mr. Westerberg has <br />recommended a few changes and indicated he would meet with <br />the city. <br />MIS/ Mottaz/Johnson - to allow Ed Stevens, 10133 47th Street <br />N., a permit to thin trees (2,000) on his property. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnson - to amend the motion to include <br />requiring a $250 bond in case of street damage caused by the <br />log removal company. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Johnson - to allow Ed Stevens, 10133 47th <br />Street N., a permit to thin trees (2,000) on his property <br />and require Mr. Stevens put up a $250 bond in case of street <br />damage caused by the removal company. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Larry Bohrer, City Engineer, recommended pads be placed <br />under the feet of the hydraulic stabilizer arms so that <br />there be no direct contact with the pavement and voiced his <br />concern that there may be some damage done to the ditch <br />which would require repair in the Spring. <br />B. Request from Jaycees to have Huff'n Puff Dance <br />Linda Wagner, Lake Elmo Jaycees, requested the city's <br />permission to have a street dance on August 14th in the <br />parking lot at the Lake E1mo.Hardwood Lumber as they did <br />last year. They explained that it is cost prohibitive to <br />hold the dance at the County Fairgrounds. If they use the <br />parking lots at Brookfield II and City Hall, they loose <br />control of the crowd with the open area and in the past the <br />insurance coverage was extreme because of what was requested <br />by Brookfield. Also, Oak -land Jr. High prohibits liquor. <br />Residents in the neighborhood have indicated to the city <br />that they will tolerate the ball tournaments, but not the <br />loud music at the dance. Even though the music quit at <br />midnight, there still were people talking until 2:30 in the <br />morning. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Johnston - to direct the city administrator to <br />try to get the concerned residents to meet with the Lake <br />Elmo Jaycees and Council to discuss a solution that would be <br />acceptable to them and the Jaycees. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />