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5teven C. DeLapp <br />February 16,1993 <br />Lake Elmo City Council <br />3800 Laverne Avenue <br />Lake Elmo, MN 55042 <br />Councllors: <br />I am writing to invite your reconsideration of the decision to replace 10th 5t. with <br />a high speed 4 lane divided highway. The premise of the declslon as I understand it <br />is the traffic forecast indicatfng that by the year 2000 volume meet or exceed <br />design standards for a two lane road. The projection was reached with two <br />factors that I believe merit review. <br />• The historical traffic count during the 1980's fs skewed by traffic diversfons to <br />10th 5t. during major highway reconstructions of 1-94, 4th 5t. and 15th Street. <br />• The projection for 1992 of 6,000 vehicles per day is 30% greater than the <br />verified traffic count for 1992. <br />Attached is a previously unavailable computer tabulation of the Average Annual <br />Daily Traffic (AADT) for 10th 5t. west of Inwood taken by MnDOT District 9 in <br />Oakdale on September 9, 10, and 11 of 1992. The AADT is 4.637 with a peak <br />hour count of 508 vehicles per hour. <br />With speeds reduced to 45 mph, 2-lane existing road, with long overdue repalrs <br />and improved shoulders, should be able to handle an AADT of 14,000 vehicles per <br />day with a peak hour count of 10% of the total --or 1,400 vehfcles per hour. <br />I Invite the Council to consider this long term alternative --Fix the roadbed, <br />including shoulders, and resurface the driving lanes for County 10 to <br />accommodate a 45 mph two lane 40 foot wide urban profile (curbs) after a <br />1/4 mile taper from a four lane section between 1 694 and Helmo. Include, at <br />State cost, the full amount of the landscaping allowance. By Installing curbs, <br />and limiting speeds to 45, trees and shrubs can be planted to separate the <br />road from adjacent houses and wetlands and be esthetically desirable This <br />design would be an asset to the City of Lake Elmo and is a balanced response <br />needed to address traffic management, wetland preservation, and land use issues <br />for 10th Street. <br />Thank yo for your consideration, <br />c: Washington County board of Commissioners <br />8469 Lake Jane Trail•Lake Elmo* Minnesota•55042 <br />