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MINUTES APPROVED: 3-2-93 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL EMERGENCY MEETING <br />FEBRUARY 23, 1993 <br />Mayor John called the emergency meeting to order at 5:00 <br />p.m, for the purpose of discussing strategy for the meeting <br />with Oakdale and State Representatives Neary and Perlt <br />regarding property in Section 32. PRESENT: Mayor John, <br />Council members: Mottaz, Conlin, Johnston, Johnson, City <br />Attorney Filla and Administrator Kueffner. <br />Mayor John summarized the strategy discussion: First of <br />all, we want to keep State Representative Pam Neary on our <br />side. Secondly, at this meeting we will indicate to them <br />and to the Oakdale representatives that this property is <br />important to Lake Elmo. It has been a gateway to permitting <br />high quality development with sewer for over the next 20 <br />years along the I-94 corridor and the SAC units that are <br />available are fundamental to this. Those are some of the <br />SAC units available to us from the MnDOT property. We also <br />have plans for this area. We developed a Business Park <br />Ordinance, and we have always considered this area for some <br />business development. We are willing to sit down and agree <br />to mutually acceptable boundaries so that we can go to the <br />Municipal Board with a joint application directed by the <br />situation that has been let. If we get an agreement from <br />Oakdale, then we explore what they are considering. If we <br />don't get an agreement, then we oppose land development. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Johnson - that this be the instruction, as <br />summarized by the Mayor, to Wyn John and Rita Conlin who are <br />meeting with representatives from Oakdale and State <br />Representatives Neary and Perlt. If they resist a joint <br />application and go ahead with the bill, it is feasible to <br />suggest a joint powers agreement to increase the capacity of <br />the WONE interceptor as a second step. This negotiation <br />would not be contingent upon withdrawal of the legislation <br />even if they say they are going to leave it as is, we will <br />continue on. (Motion carried 5-0), <br />Council member Conlin indicated she saw this as a chance to <br />improve our relations with Oakdale and didn't think we have <br />to have this animosity. Since Wyn and Rita are going into <br />this discussion and because of things that happened in the <br />past, Rita felt there is probably some risk for them. She <br />requested someone from the Council to move that the city <br />will defend them if a suit is brought against them. <br />