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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL EMERGENCY MEETING 3-11-93 2 <br />8. Joint Powers agreement on construction of sewer with <br />Oakdale to CSAH 13, and start joint marketing program for <br />the land. <br />Mayor John indicated he received a letter from Leonard <br />Kirvida objecting to his land being split between Lake Elmo <br />and Oakdale. This letter was also sent to Oakdale Mayor, <br />Ted Bearth. <br />The three council members in attendance indicated they would <br />consider establishing the boundary on County Road 13 and <br />would relinquish our responsibility for MnDOT land on the <br />west section of 33 only; contingent, upon completion of the <br />pipe to County Road 13 at the first stage of the project <br />that the transfer of sewer capacity from the MnDOT property <br />to the Business Park District. <br />If nothing is accomplished at this meeting, the Council <br />agreed to continue meeting even though the representatives <br />have stated they are going to reintroduce the legislation. <br />MIS/ Johnson/Conlin - to authorize Wyn John and Rita Conlin <br />continue negotiations with the City of Oakdale and to <br />approve the options of a land swap for the area in the SE <br />corner bounded by 4th Street and the boundary line between <br />Section 32 and 33 and authorize them to state Lake Elmo <br />Council is willing to consider an option where Oakdale would <br />extend sufficient sewer capacity to Inwood Avenue for the <br />MUSA extension in the east half of Section 33 for an <br />agreement to establish a boundary along Inwood Avenue <br />between the two cities. <br />Wyn John did not feel comfortable with this motion because <br />it is telling Oakdale the extent of our limits of what we <br />can agree or discuss. He preferred it was phrased more in <br />terms of that we continue negotiations, bearing in mind the <br />subject matter that we discussed, and we will report back <br />with recommendations to the Council at the March 16th <br />meeting. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Conlin - to authorize Mayor Wyn John and <br />Council member Rita Conlin to continue negotiations with the <br />City of Oakdale along the lines outlined at this meeting. <br />(Motion carried 3-0). <br />Council member Conlin voiced her concern on this motion <br />protecting them from the Open Meeting law. <br />Attorney Filla explained the discussions the Mayor and <br />Council member Conlin were having with the legislators are <br />not committee meetings. They were simply attending as a <br />representative of the city council and not as a committee of <br />the city council. <br />