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APPROVED: April 20, 1993 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL EMERGENCY MINUTES <br />MARCH 27, 1993 <br />Mayor John called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m. in the <br />council chambers. PRESENT: Mayor John, Council member <br />Conlin and Mottaz and Administrator Kueffner. ABSENT: <br />Council members Johnson and Johnston. <br />1. Lobbyists to oppose Senate File 491 and House File 220 <br />Council member Conlin reported to the council that as <br />authorized by the City Council she spoke with Pat Forciea, <br />of the November Group, the lobbyists that were hired by the <br />City in fighting the landfill in the Regional Park. Conlin <br />stated that Forciea was available to work on the city's <br />behalf to oppose the pending legislation and that she had <br />taken the liberty of sending some background information to <br />him. <br />Kueffner stated she had been in contact with Ellen Sampson, <br />an attorney for Leonard, Street & Deinard, the legal firm <br />retained by the City in the landfill fight. She further <br />stated that Sampson as well as Forciea are both registered <br />lobbyists. <br />There was discussion as to which of the lobbyists would be <br />most effective in fighting the proposed legislation (House <br />File 220 and Senate File 491). <br />Council member Mottaz stated he had heard very positive <br />comments about Ellen Sampson, and that she is very well <br />respected at the legislature. He expressed concerns with Pat <br />Forciea, only in that he was still employed full-time by the <br />Minnesota North Stars. <br />Mayor John suggested that because of the importance of the <br />matter, the city hire both individuals. <br />Administrator Kueffner stated that she had been contacted by <br />Council member Johnson and although he was unable to attend <br />the meeting, he wanted to set a limit of $3,000 for this <br />service, but stated no preference as to who was hired. <br />Council member Conlin stated the issue was much too serious <br />to set a limit, that the city should be prepared to spend <br />what it had to in order to stop this legislation, but would <br />be willing to set a cap right now to get started at $1,000 <br />for each lobbyist. <br />M/S/P Conlin/John - to authorize the start-up expenditure of <br />$1,000 each for lobbyist services of Ellen Sampson and Pat <br />Forciea to fight against the legislation proposed in House <br />File 220 and Senate File 491. (Motion carried 3-0). <br />