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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 20, 1993 2 <br />The City Attorney referred to his letter dated May 12, 1992 <br />indicating the Preliminary Plat for Fox Fire Manor was <br />approved May 7, 1991. The city street standards regulations <br />were approved on October 15, 1991. The Final Plat for Fox <br />Fire Manor was scheduled for approval on May 18, 1992. <br />State Statute states developers receive a one year <br />moratorium on new city regulations after the preliminary <br />plat was approved. <br />Rolling Hills Preliminary Plat was approved December 17, <br />1991 so the city street standards adopted in October, 1992 <br />were in place before the Preliminary Plat for Rolling Hills <br />was approved. The reasons why it took so long between <br />submittal and preliminary and final approval had nothing to <br />do with the City of Lake Elmo, but issues such as location <br />of the road. <br />The engineer for the developer stated they will review and <br />verify that the road plans submitted for preliminary plat <br />approval were according to the old street standards. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnson - to deny the request of Chuck Nelson <br />President of Nelson Properties Inc., for modifying the 1991 <br />Engineering Standards for Rolling Hills. (Motion carried 5- <br />0). <br />B. Animal Control <br />(1) Letter from Animal Control Officer dated <br />March 26, 1993 <br />M/S/P Johnson/Conlin - to direct the staff to prepare an <br />Ordinance to the Animal Control Section Regulating cats <br />(Motion carried 4-1: Mottaz:enforcement of this cat <br />ordinance will be impossible to achieve). <br />(2) Pay Increase for Animal Control Officer <br />Approval of 1993 Animal Control Contract <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Johnson - to approve the same 1993 Animal <br />Control Contract Mike Smith has with North St. Paul. <br />(Motion carried 3-2: Conlin: For budgeting purposes, <br />interested in developing a monthly flat rate, Johnston: we <br />should follow the recommendation of the City Administrator). <br />If there is a desire to modify this contract, this will be <br />reviewed at the end of the year after the animal control <br />ordinance has been publicized. <br />