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To: Ms. Mary Kueffner, <br />Lake Elmo City Hall <br />From: Wyn John, <br />Lake Elmo Mayor <br />Date: April 22, 1993 <br />Subject: Response to EAW on CSAH 10 <br />General: <br />I consider the EAW pays inadequate attention to the design details in <br />response to the environmental challenges and remedies. It provides little <br />attention to alternative solutions in an environmentally sensitive area. Reports <br />are referenced, but copies should have been provided to the various cities <br />affected by the development. These are incremental costs in relation to the <br />administrative costs of preparation of an EIS. More work or additional <br />information is needed to ensure that an EIS is not required. <br />Specific Comments: <br />Project Title: Scope of the project was originally from I-694 to 1/4 mile east <br />of CSAH 13. There is no reason given for the additional transition requirement <br />east of CSAH 13. <br />Page 2, para. 6, Description, line 9. Turn lanes for future street <br />intersections should only be provided where environmentally feasible. <br />Page 3, Description, line 13. Construction is understood to end 1/4 Mile <br />east of CSAH 13. <br />Page 3, Description. There is no discussion of alternatives considered to <br />mitigate or avoid the wetland impact - e.g. alternative routes, bridges across <br />wet land areas, together with relative costs. <br />Page 7, line 4. "Wet Land Impact Analysis and Design." This report <br />should have been more readly available for inspection by having a copy <br />distributed to the local City Halls. Without seeing this report, a proper <br />assessment of the wetland impact and compensatory design cannot be <br />completed. <br />Page 9, line 17. "The excavated basin will be lined with hydric soils <br />excavated from the project area." There is no indication of an attempt to <br />lay an impervious clay layer of specified depth to ensure that the new wetland, <br />when created, will retain moisture. Alternatively, if an aquifer is penetrated by <br />