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04-06-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-06-93 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 6, 1993 3 <br />Otto Mayer, 9295 Lake Jane Trail, stated he was in favor of <br />the project, but asked what would happen to his property and <br />his trees. Could something be done at the public access in <br />form of an acceleration lane because he feared someone was <br />going to get killed coming out of the access. <br />Paul Pallmeyer, 8989 Lake Jane Trail, asked if a stop sign <br />could be placed on the corner of Jamaca Avenue? <br />Jeff Ylinen, 9401 Lake Jane Trail, supported the project, <br />but voiced his concern on the excessive speed and requested <br />the city look at this issue. <br />Jim Jungman, 9404 Lake Jane Trail, asked if on -street <br />parking would be allowed for cars and boats now that there <br />is 8' more of added blacktop. He voiced his concern on <br />traffic and speeds increasing and requested stop signs be <br />placed. He has a sprinkling system in the boulevard area <br />and if this project goes forward, who is going to be <br />responsible to move this. He would prefer to see the road <br />improved, but to what expense, especially, if it has to be <br />at his expense to redo his sprinkler system and remove his <br />trees and replant them. <br />Mike Wagner, 9040 Lake Jane Trail, stated he was in favor of <br />the project, but asked the city to look into slowing the <br />traffic down along Lake Jane Trail and continuing west. <br />Mike Hilyar, 8961 37th St. N., stated that now Jamaca Avenue <br />is a super drag strip and you would have to be a crazy <br />person to ride a bike. If the road is upgraded, it would be <br />worse. The city should find a way to slow the traffic down. <br />Kim Carey, Washington County Deputy, indicated she has done <br />some radar checks on Jamaca Avenue, and have stopped people <br />and most of them are local residents. The speed limit is 45 <br />mph and most people come through there 45-50 mph. It is very <br />easy to pick up speed when you get over the crest of the <br />hill. <br />Dean Beutel, 8866 Stillwater Blvd., owns 40 acres of Ag land <br />and now they are being assessed for six lots. Yet at one <br />time, the city would not let him or Arlyn Christ develop <br />this property as residential when they came in with an <br />application. Now that this road will be improved and the <br />water situation has been resolved, will they be able to <br />develop it as residential lots. <br />Peter Blomquist, 3435 Jamaca Avenue N., is opposed to this <br />project. Does it really have to be done now? It's going to <br />become more of a drag strip than it already is and the speed <br />situation has to be addressed. Cutting down the hills will <br />have a negative affect on the speed because you have a <br />better view and can go faster. From a personal standpoint, <br />
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