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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 18, 1993 3 <br />( Kay Gould remarked the boats have come closer than 100 ft <br />because she worried about them running into large stumps in <br />the water. Safety of the issue is her concern. She is aware <br />of only one accident on the lake which was when Justin drove <br />a boat into a pontoon parked in the middle of the bay with <br />two people on it. <br />Joe Kiesling related Justin Bloyer is utilizing this lake <br />for recreational purposes, Lake Jane is a recreational lake, <br />and skiing keeps kids off the streets. <br />Council member Johnson pointed out that the permit was <br />invalid because the applicant, Justin Bloyer, was not the <br />property owner. <br />Attorney Filla reported the code involved is Section <br />1511,020 Sub.d: No person shall place any buoy on any lake <br />in the city for skiing for any other reason unless the buoy <br />placement is specifically authorized for safety purposes <br />approved by the city and Washington County. Filla <br />interprets this as no Buoys are allowed unless they are <br />placed for safety purposes; such as: define a beach area, <br />indicate a water hazard or a fishing area in which <br />watercraft cannot enter. It does not mean a buoy can be <br />placed for water ski course. This may be a well -designed <br />safe arrangement for a slalom course, but it is not <br />( permitted by the city code. The intent of the ordinance was <br />to allow a limited number of buoys on the lake only to <br />define and alert people to safety hazards or restricted <br />areas. <br />M/S/C Conlin/Johnson - to deny Justin Bloyer's petition for <br />placement of buoys for a water ski slalom course on Lake <br />Jane based upon the interpretation of the ordinance by the <br />City Attorney. (Motion carried 4-1: Mottaz; This is a fair <br />use of the lake and it behooves the city to encourage this <br />healthy activity of our young people.) <br />M/No Second Mottaz/No Second - to amend the motion to <br />postpone action in order to hold a public informational <br />meeting and ask the staff with the assistance of the city <br />attorney to draw up a change in ordinance with restrictions <br />to allow this type of recreation because it is a legitimate <br />use of lake. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Conlin - to develop a subcommittee under the <br />auspices of the Parks Commission comprising of 8 members, <br />requiring half of the members be lakeshore owners, but not <br />exclusively, to determine if there is an interest in <br />amending the city's surface water use regulations in <br />relation to new recreational activities. (Motion carried 5- <br />( 0). <br />