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0 <br />May 4,1993 <br />Mks of the City Council <br />%Ms. Mary XUd11hW City Admin. <br />City of lake Ikno <br />Subject; Megal Business use at M Hill Trail No <br />Dew Conudl Members: <br />As a concerned neighbor of the subject I feel a couple of issues should be <br />addressed during your review. Because Mr. Burgess is conducting his business in a <br />residential area, he has and is causing dangerous conditions to the welfare of <br />neighboth,00d childm <br />* His solid fence is at a height dint blocks ttee view of onog vehicles. <br />Children on bicycles art the corner at hill Trail & 501h st and on occasions have <br />almost been hit by cars. <br />* Mr Burgess test drives the vehicles he is hying to repair at a high rate of speed, <br />around the neighborhood, is he covered by proper business Insurance? <br />Who will be raspomsft when a child Is hurt? Mr. Burgess for having his fence <br />too high or driving too fast? The City of lake Elmo for allowing this to exist with their <br />M knowledge of the danger? or the council members as individuais7. No mattes who <br />Is declared responsible a child will AM be hurt or "Ally not killed.I <br />Besides this business being a potential danger, has the city given any thought to <br />the potential of ground water pollution f m the oil and gasoline spills from the many <br />vehicles that have been dismantled 7 Who will pay for new wells 7 Will the City be <br />eligible for SPA fltnding being they have allowed this pollution source to exist and not <br />stopped kt 7 <br />I like most other neighbors also am concerned with the appearance of this <br />business and potential decrease in our property values, but believe a greater concern <br />should be on what legal responsibilities and ramifications the city may be leaving its self <br />open to and possible legal expense <br />I apologize for not signing this but do not want the retaliations I have heard others <br />have received. Thank you for your time and motion regarding this matter. <br />Yours , siocm* <br />Y 111 Mi' � rl 1.� III 11 <br />