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MI14UTES APPROVED: 7-6-93 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />JUNE 15, 1993 <br />Mayor John called the council meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. <br />in the council chambers. PRESENT: Mottaz, Conlin, John, <br />Johnston, Johnson, City Engineer Bohrer, and Administrator <br />Kueffner. <br />1. AGENDA <br />M/S/C Johnson/Conlin - to approve the June 15, 1993 city <br />council agenda as amended. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />2. Minutes: June 1, 1993 <br />M/S/C Conlin/Mottaz - to approve the June 1, 1993 city <br />council minutes as presented. (Motion carried 4-0-1: <br />Abstain: John). <br />Minutes: June 3, 1993 <br />M/S/C Conlin/Johnston - to approve the June 3, 1993 City <br />Council minutes as presented. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnson - to approve the June 15, 1993 claims <br />#1686 through #1726 as presented. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. St. Croix New Area Group:Chris Aamodt & Mike Polehna <br />Chris Aamodt introduced a new organization called the St. <br />Croix New Arena Group, Inc. The mission of this <br />organization is to build a new 2,000-2,500 seat ice arena <br />that would help to serve the hockey needs of the St.Croix <br />Valley area. The estimated cost to build an arena is $2.5-3 <br />million. A fair subsidy cost program will be put together <br />for all the cities in the St. Croix Valley to consider. Two <br />sites are being considered for this arena: a five acre site <br />adjacent to Tom Thumb store in Stillwater, and a 28 acre <br />park site behind Walmart in Oak Park Heights. <br />B. Letter from Judy Blackford on Sunfish Lake Park <br />Judy Blackford submitted a letter and pictures and voiced <br />the need to address the erosion in Sunfish Lake Park. She <br />asked that this information be inserted in the Sunfish Lake <br />Park file. As a parks commission member, she took the <br />pictures and is requesting reimbursement costs for film and <br />photo processing in the amount of $22.16. <br />