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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3` <br />THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1993 <br />Mayor John called the council meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. <br />in the Lake Elmo Elementary School. PRESENT: Mottaz, Conlin <br />(arrived 8:50 p.m.), John, Johnston, Johnson, City Engineer <br />Bohrer, City Attorney Filla and Administrator Kueffner. <br />1. AGENDA <br />Johnson/Johnston - to approve the June 3, 1993 council <br />agenda as presented. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />Mayor John thanked the Lake Elmo Elementary School for <br />allowing the city to use their facility to hold the public <br />hearing. <br />2. PUBLIC HEARING ON IMPROVEMENTS: 1993 Bituminous Overlays <br />Larry Bohrer reported that the City Public Works Department <br />and the City Engineer reviewed the conditions of the city <br />streets and reported to the Council on the streets which <br />needed overlays. Overlays are recommended on streets which <br />have extensive cracking and should be constructed before the <br />streets begin breaking up. Along with the overlay, the city <br />sometimes does minor drainage improvements such as add <br />bituminous curb or replacing culverts. Bituminous overlays <br />are a lower cost alternative to complete street <br />reconstruction. <br />The feasibility report was prepared at the direction of the <br />City Council upon the recommendation of the City Engineer <br />and Maintenance Foreman. <br />Proposed Assessments: <br />It is proposed to assess this project on a unit basis. Each <br />buildable lot would be assessed 1 unit. Lots which have <br />frontage on two city streets receive a 1/2 unit for each <br />street. The City is proposing to assess 90% of the cost for <br />each street. The remaining 10% plus the unit assessment for <br />each city -owned lot on that street will be paid by the city <br />from its Street Improvement Fund. Patching prior to the <br />overlay will be done by the City or contract forces and will <br />not be part of the assessable cost. <br />A. Hidden Bay Area: <br />Total Units: 112, Assessment Rate: $922 <br />Larry Bohrer explained that these streets were believed to <br />have been paved in the late 1960s. There is extensive <br />( cracking and some erosion on steep slopes. Bituminous curb <br />will be placed on some of the slopes. <br />