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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 10, 1993 <br />FUEL STATION: There will be separate fuel stations for recreational vehicles, <br />trucks and autos. The RV area will have a dump station and propane dispensing <br />areas as well as two fueling stations. There will be a separate fuel dispensing <br />area for trucks that include 12 fueling stations. The tank farm will have three <br />20,000 gallon tanks for diesel and three 12,00o gallon tanks for gas. They do <br />have an Emergency Preparedness Plan as requested by the PCA if you are <br />storing more than 10,000 gallons of fuel. <br />LIGHTING: Have areas where they install some center lights that shine down, <br />some perimeter lighting, and where there is a concern for glare coming off the <br />parking lot they use direct down light boxes. Require security lighting out to the <br />parking lot. Don't use the lighting to attract people. <br />SIGNAGE: One large sign which is out near the Interstate that captures the <br />interested traveler. Where it is acceptable, like to put a message type center as <br />a public service --post prices of fuel, specials in restaurants, weather conditions. <br />A small price sign that advertise the price facing the highway where state <br />requires to post the price of fuel on a fixed board. Directional type signs that <br />states "cars only" or "trucks only". No sign clutter on the site. <br />WASTE TREATMENT: The RV waste will be treated on site and located on the <br />perimeter of the site. Treatment plant is all underground. Effluent is treated with <br />air and bacteria, an aerobic system, approx. 60,000 gallon fiberglass tanks. <br />discharge into a leach field. There will be ground water monitoring systems <br />around both the tank farm and the treatment system. <br />FUTURE DEVELOPMENT: They own (51 acres) and want to control what goes <br />on it. If they were to sell it, they would have controls on what they put there, how <br />they operate it, what it is going to look like. They could sell it, but don't have that <br />preconceived notion. They would like to fully develop it. <br />INSURANCE: They are large enough that they are self -insured so any problem <br />at his facility they will have to take care of. Do not have environmental <br />insurance. <br />TIMELINE: 60-90 days to get engineering complete. 30-60 days to get <br />permits. 5 months before they can start. Facility takes 6-7 months depending on <br />the weather. <br />Dakota Developments, a North Dakota partnership comprised of Tom Wold and <br />John D. Adams would be the franchisee of this operation and would comply with <br />the requirements of the franchise and finance and operate this plaza. Flying J <br />has an operation staff that visits the site making sure they meet their standards <br />and are a guarantor on any borrowed moneys. <br />