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To the Citizens of lake Elmo: <br />At the last Council meeting, Councilor Mottaz read a statement which he <br />requested be included as part of the minutes. He considered his statement <br />admissible on the grounds of propriety. After he had finished, I indicated <br />that I felt that his action was out of order. I still do, as Councilor Mottaz <br />introduced his comment immediately after a vote had been taken. His <br />concerns should have been part of the discussion prior to voting, so that the <br />issues he raised could have been properly considered. I still feel Councilor <br />Mottaz to be out of order, but have allowed his statement to remain as part <br />of the minutes of the last Council meeting. <br />I also stated that Councilor Mottaz was not behaving as a team member. I do <br />NO°f expect Council members to be in agreement on an issue. But I do expect <br />that items of an administrative nature can be discussed and resolved before <br />a Council meeting. Councilor Mottaz denied the City Administrator an <br />opportunity to investigate and respond to his allegations. Also, he did not <br />notify any of the Council members of his concerns. This I consider to be <br />nothing more than "grandstanding", and not part of cooperative teamwork. <br />The facts are these: <br />1. At State Government levels, motions can be submitted before both the <br />House of Representatives and the Senate. Those before the House are <br />termed House files, those for the Senate are Senate files. <br />