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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1993 <br />G. St. Croix United Way -Temporary Sign at Lake Elmo Bank <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnson - to direct the staff to schedule a public hearing as soon as <br />possible to consider the request of the St. Croix United Way for a temporary sign at the <br />Lake Elmo Bank and waive the fee for a Conditional Use Permit. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />H. Request for "Dead End" sign on Jamley (near 28th St.) <br />Dan Olinger received a request from a resident that lives on 28th Street for placement <br />of a "Dead End" sign on Jamley Avenue because so much traffic is using her driveway <br />for a turnaround when they discover the road does not go through. The property owner <br />suggested the sign be placed mid way between 31 st Street and 28th Street. The cost <br />of a "stop" sign is $50. <br />M/S/C Johnson/John - to place a "Not A Through Street' sign at the appropriate and <br />approved location (suggestion: south of 31st street before you commit to turn on Jamley <br />Avenue). (Motion carried 5-0). <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Award bid for 1993 MSA Project <br />Larry Bohrer provided a memo, dated July 30, 1993, analyzing the 1993 MSA project <br />budget and making the recommmendation to award the contract to the low bidder, <br />Tower Asphalt, in the amount of $732,985.00 conditioned upon state aid approval. <br />The low bid was substantially higher than the estimated cost in the Feasibility Report <br />due to the higher cost of blacktopping and culverts. Bohrer has reviewed the bid to see <br />if any of the work items can be reduced or eliminated and recommended some cost <br />savings. The shortage is eligible to be reimbursed by MSA funds, but will not be <br />received from the State until about February, 1995. The Finance Director recommends <br />that the city finance this amount for one year from its Infrastructure Reserve Fund. The <br />current balance in that fund is $73,736. <br />Several council members voiced their concern in using the estimated 1994 MSA Fund <br />allotment for this project. Council members Mottaz and Johnson requested the $6,000 <br />for replacement of trees remain and borrow $63,000 instead of $57,000 out of the <br />Infrastructure Reserve Fund. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnson - to adopt Resolution No. 93-60 accepting the bid from the low <br />bidder, Tower Asphalt in the amount of $732,985.00 for reconstruction of Jamaca <br />Avenue between TH5 and Lake Jane Trail, and Lake Jane Trail between Jamaca <br />Avenue and Jane Road; conditioned upon State Aid approval . (Motion carried 5-0). <br />