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11-30-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-30-93 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />NOVEMBER 30, 1993 <br />Mayor John called the council meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. in the city council <br />chambers. PRESENT: Mottaz, Conlin, John, Johnston, Finance Director <br />Banister and Administrator Kueffner. ABSENT: Johnson. <br />Finance Director, Marilyn Banister, gave a presentation on the proposed 1994 <br />city budget. The percentage increase for the city of Lake Elmo is 8.1 % <br />Mayor John opened up the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. in the city council <br />chambers. The public hearing notice was published in the November 24, 1993 <br />Stillwater Gazette Extra. <br />Hugh Madson, 11060 32nd St. N., asked the following questions: <br />License and other Fees $83 000 income: Do we allocate the license fees <br />back to the areas such as Animal Control Officer and Building Official? Banister: <br />The building permit fees covers the building official, but the animal licenses do <br />not coven ACO. <br />Staff salaries: If the city hasn't added staff, why are the staff salaries up over <br />17% from 1992? Banister: The difference is the way we distributed the <br />percentages. <br />Firemen's Compensation: The $159,000 for 1994 is 50% over 1992 and 67% <br />over 1991. He is surprised that the $200,000 fire truck goes out on all calls. Is <br />this necessary if its for a simple transport? Is there an incentive to go to calls <br />that are not needed? He thinks the council should address this cost. <br />Administrator Kueffner: There are instructions left at Washington County by the <br />Fire Chief demanding that the Lake Elmo Fire Dept. be toned out for every call <br />that goes out of the. County. Mayor John: This issue will be discussed with the <br />Fire Department this weekend. <br />St. Croix Animal Shelter Contribution of $10 000• He doesn't think the city <br />should make a contribution to St. Croix Animal Shelter. The city should be billed <br />for the service they are rendering. Banister: There are 27 stray dog/cats picked <br />up a month and 90% of these animals are not recovered. If the city did not <br />contribute to the Animal Shelter collectively with other cities, we would have to <br />establish a structure or subcontract services. <br />
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