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Warren E. Peterson _lla PETERSOI V, 1t101M idwest Federal building <br />Jerome P. Witt <br />Fr _ 50 East Fifth Street <br />Daniel Witt Fram P� n „DER�7� R� HT T`'T St. Paul, MN 55101-1197 <br />Glenn A. Bergman l�il�/1 ll M 1L V <br />John Michael Miller I6I 21 291-8955 <br />Gary W. Becker* ° ° ° ° (612) 228-1753 facsimile <br />Timothy 1. Hassett** <br />Michael T. Oberle Melvin 1. Silver, Of Counsel <br />Kenneth A. Amdahl <br />December 15, 1993 <br />Mary Kueffner <br />City Administrator <br />City of Lake Elmo <br />3800 Laverne Avenue North <br />Lake Elmo, MN 55042 <br />RE: Letter of Undertaking <br />Joint Resolution ' <br />Joint Powers Agreement <br />Our File No.: 11135/930005 <br />Mary: <br />Enclosed are revised versions of the above documents which <br />incorporate the changes discussed at the City Council meeting of <br />December 7, 1993. The Letter of Undertaking should be considered <br />first by the respective councils. The Joint Resolution and the <br />Joint Powers Agreement would be attached as exhibits to the <br />Agreement of Undertaking and would be executed if the parties can <br />come to some agreement on the matters contained in Section 3.1 of <br />the Agreement of Undertaking. <br />It is anticipated that there will be another legislative <br />effort by the City of Oakdale to amend the provisions of the <br />annexation law which would allow Oakdale to individually petition <br />the Minnesota Municipal Board for the annexation of certain Lake <br />Elmo property in Sections 32 and 33. Lake Elmo may not be able to <br />prevent that legislation from being introduced even if the parties <br />are in the process of attempting to resolve their differences. it <br />may be beneficial to prepare a piece of legislation on behalf of <br />the City of Lake Elmo which would also allow the City of Lake Elmo <br />to individually petition the Municipal Board to annex certain <br />portions of Oakdale land in Sections 32 and 33. If both bills were <br />passed or if they were combined, at least the City would then find <br />itself in front of the Municipal Board with the ability to request, <br />essentially, a reversal of a prior Board decision regarding <br />Sections 32 and 33. <br />If you have any questions, please contact me. <br />Very truly yours, <br />JerV <br />Filla <br />JPF:bap <br />\1 :iO ADMITTED I', f IORIDA 'I..... n:S WASHINCTON D C AND WISCONSIN <br />'REAL PPOPE R"F\' 1-?'d' SPECI \LIST CERTIFIES Bti T1fF. RE+L-RO�LFTY LA % SECTION OF THE .MINNESOTA STATE BAR ASSOCI>TION. <br />