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MINUTES APPROVED: 3-15-94 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1994 <br />***Because of Precinct Caucuses held on March 1, 1994, <br />the Council I Meeting was rescheduled*** <br />Acting Mayor Karen Johnston opened the city council meeting at 7:05 p.m, in the <br />council chambers. PRESENT: Mottaz, Conlin, Johnston, Johnson, City <br />Engineer Bohrer, Attorney John Miller and Administrator Kueffner. ABSENT: <br />Mayor John. <br />1. AGENDA <br />ADD: 10A. Human Services, Inc. Breakfast, 10B. Request City's support of <br />House File 1757 <br />M/S/C Conlin/Johnson - to approve March 3, 1994 City Council agenda as <br />amended. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />2. MINUTES: February 15, 1994 <br />M/S/C Conlin/Mottaz - to approve the February 15, 1994 City Council minutes as <br />amended. (Motion carried,4-0). <br />3. CLAIMS <br />The following questions were raised: What is the policy for committee members <br />attending schools or conferences? Who does client refer to in the Leonard, <br />Street and Deinard bill? <br />M/S/C Conlin/Johnson - to approve the February 15, 1994 claims #2427 through <br />#2464 as presented. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Public Inquirers <br />Lenore Mottaz, 8770 DeMontreville Trail N., suggested the following: TMT <br />Recycling place a cover on his truck to prevent milk bottles'from blowing out <br />onto the road and insert article in Newsletter requesting papers in full <br />newspaper tubes be disposed of before they are blown around. <br />The Council received a letter from Judy Blackford, 9765 45th St.N, requesting <br />that all council agendas, when it pertains to park issues, be mailed to individual <br />city park commissioners. _ <br />