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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 17, 1994 <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES/PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Legislative Update, Rep.Pam Neary <br />Rep. Pam Neary updated the council on the 1994 legislative session and several <br />laws and impending issues for next year that will affect cities; such as local <br />government aid, annexation, TIF, and landfill cleanup. <br />5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. Council comments on Heritage Preservation Ordinance <br />Councilman Johnson was uncomfortable giving an appointed commission the <br />power to make decisions in the city. By approving this ordinance, the HPC could <br />approve or deny permits. Johnson suggested meeting with the Heritage <br />Preservation Committee and the city attorney to talk about this. He requested <br />the city administrator investigate what other cities have done. <br />Mayor John liked the idea of the HPC for Lake Elmo, but agreed with <br />Councilman Johnson that decisions on what action to take is the council's job. <br />The Council suggested meeting with the HPC at the June 7 council meeting to <br />discuss this delegation of authority. <br />B. Olson Lake Pond <br />Administrator Kueffner submitted memo to council indicating confusion on the <br />part of the DNR and VBWD on the Motion to Intervene filed by Attorney Dayton. <br />M/S/C John/Johnson - to instruct the city administrator to contact Attorney <br />Dayton to correct his Intervention to clarify that what we intended was a <br />discharge down to 952 after having had the pond treated with alum to bring <br />down the phosphorus levels to acceptable limits, about .031 to .041 mg/per liter. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />Barb Walsh explained she had talked to Molly Shodeen, who did not give a <br />permit for discharge. The permit was given for the pipe in place. The discharge <br />is done by VBWD. DNR Fish and Wildlife gave a permit to treat the pond with <br />alum and as a condition of that permit there was specific testing stipulations <br />outlined. There will be a meeting to discuss Olson Lake Estates Pond on June 7, <br />5 p.m., Washington County Board of Commissioners. <br />