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WASHINGTON COUNTY <br />PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT <br />PARKS e HIGHWAYS a FACILITIES <br />t N a 11660 MYERON ROAD NORTH • STILLWATER, MINNESOTA 56082-9573 <br />fee 612-430.4300 Faosimile Moohine 612-430-43SO <br />July 19, 1994. <br />Honorable Mayor and City Council <br />City of Lake Elmo <br />3800 Laverne Ave. No. <br />Lake Elmo, MN 55042 <br />Re: Susan Dunn letter dated July 16, 1994 <br />Dear Mayor and Council <br />Donald C. Wsnawski, P.E. <br />Director Publio WorkslCounty Engineer <br />John P. Perkovich, Deputy Director <br />Operations Division <br />Donald J. Theisen, P.E. Deputy Director <br />Technical & Administrative Division <br />James D. Henson, P.E. <br />Transportation Engineer <br />Edward Kepler, <br />Facilities opeeatlons Manager <br />I received a copy of the referenced letter concerning the 10th Street project. Let me <br />provide you with information that this letter requests, <br />Our Design Coordinator was at a recent Oakdale City Council meeting only to answer <br />possible questions from the Oakdale Council, On the Oakdale Council agenda that night <br />were agreements for the 10th Street projects west of Helmo Avenue. Specifically, <br />agreements were approved for construction and maintenance costs for the traffic signals <br />at Helmo and the 1-694 ramps, and for construction costs and maintenance of the bikepath <br />which will be built from Hadley Avenue to Helmo Avenue. The 10th Street project has not <br />changed in scope from our discussions and your approvals. <br />Met Council comments on the EAW and Corps of Engineers permit have been addressed. <br />For example, the storm sewer plan was revised in the vicinity of Armstrong Lake so that <br />no storm water is outletted directly into the lake. We have also permits from all the <br />regulatory agencies involved in this project. <br />We do plan on updating the Council as pertinent information evolves. I have talked to your <br />City Administrator about providing detour information and a project schedule for your <br />August City newsletter. We will be opening bids on July 25th and know more after a <br />contractor has been awarded the project. We will also invite the City to our pre - <br />construction conference. <br />We appreciate your support and cooperation on this important project, Please feel free to <br />contact me if you would like us to provide more information or attend one of your <br />meetings. <br />Incerely, 1 <br />Theisen — --- <br />Deputy Director <br />cc: Mary Hauser, County Commissioner <br />Susan Dunn <br />PoMae on neeyd" Pop., ECLUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 1 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION <br />