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09-06-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-06-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 12 <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Bid for water tower painting <br />Larry Bohrer clarified in February when Maguire Iron submitted a quote to repair the <br />damage to the tank, they also submitted an unsolicited bid for painting of that repair <br />damage. At the time the bid was $6,860. Recently bids were received for painting <br />ranging from $16,000 to $21,000. The differences are: 1. the type of material that <br />Maguire proposed to paint the exterior tank the first time using latex on the outside. <br />This is not a coating that is recommended --recommend enamel on outside. The cost of <br />the material is not substantially different. There is a substantial difference for labor to <br />apply because it takes more time and care. Any overspray of the enamel or spatters <br />have to be cleaned off of cars or buildings., 2. There was no time of the year specified <br />in this proposal by Maguire Iron, 3. South Dakota Workers Compensation and other <br />benefits have taken a big rise over the summer. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Johnston - to award the contract to Maguire Iron, Inc. accepting the <br />alternate low bid price of $11,775 for the work to be completed prior to June 15, 1995. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. 509 Plan Amendment <br />VBWD has revised its Water Management Plan and distributed copies of the Final Draft <br />dated June, 1994 for review. The draft was referred to the City Engineer for review and <br />comment. The VBWD Board of Managers will accept comments until their meeting of <br />September 8, 1994. Larry Bohrer's review of the VBWD 509 Plan Revision is in his <br />memo dated September 2, 1994. <br />The council objected to the interpretation of how VBWD calculated flow rate across <br />community boundaries. Although the city feels the watershed district violated its own <br />rules by allowing the post -development discharge rate to reach the pre -development <br />discharge rate, the city agreed to accept the discharge from Olson Lake Estates Pond <br />as long as there would be no degradation of Olson Lake water quality. Of the four <br />discharge options listed for Olson Lake Estates Pond, the council felt the only <br />acceptable option was (b) Outlet to Lake Olson after treatment. The word "treatment" is <br />very general, and we would like a definition included. Lake Elmo expects remedial <br />measures will be done to correct the damage that has already been done to Olson <br />Lake. The only acceptable funding for improvements is a tax or assessment over the <br />area causing the problem. The council asked the Board to give serious consideration to <br />surface water contamination of ground water being addressed in the plan. <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: - None <br />
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