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Mayor's Report October 4. 1994 <br />On September 24 1 attended the Washington County Comprehensive Plan <br />Workshop at the Stillwater Senior I3igh School, along with Councillor <br />Johnston. The plan was introduced with a graph showing how the county's <br />Population had grown over the past ten years, and how it was expected to <br />grow. This identified the need to plan for a 63,000 population growth over <br />the next ten years. Presentations covered land use, parks and transportation <br />followed by a long period of public comment. Responses were requested to <br />be sent in by October 15, and I would encourage everyone who attended <br />this, or the later session on September 29 to send in their comments. <br />Because I was preoccupied with assembling the photograhic record of the <br />Lake Olson algae bloom problem, I regret. I forgot to go to the Met Council <br />breakfast on September 26. I did follow up, however, and talked to Chuck. <br />Ballantine who was very pleased with the wide ranging discussion that took <br />place - from annexation to mass transit, Gray Cloud Island Park to the new <br />Metro Airport site. No doubt my other council colleagues who DII) attend can <br />give a better report. <br />