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11-01-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-01-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 1. 1994 <br />B. Minnesota Mosquito Control <br />Jim Stark, Brian Ziegler, and Sandy Brogren, Minnesota Mosquito Control gave a <br />presentation on the Metropolitan counties working together to reduce insect transmitted <br />disease and annoyance and wanted to create two-way communication with Lake Elmo <br />residents and the Mosquito Control District. <br />C. Arabian Hills <br />Doug Pepin, spokesman for residents from Arabian Hills, expressed their concerns that <br />the developer has not finished planting the number of trees required by the landscape <br />plan that was approved by the City. Pepin added that a number of the residents have <br />planted trees on their lot and he would like those not to be counted in the numbers of <br />trees required by the developer. <br />Attorney Filla stated the preliminary landscape plan that was submitted to the city <br />indicates that 6 trees per acre are to be planted. Potentially, there could be 250-300 <br />trees. We ought to be able to go out in the field and determine if there has been <br />compliance. Filla asked Mr. Pepin for a copy of the covenants, <br />M/S/P Johnson/Johnston - to direct the Building Official; Chuck Nelson, Developer; City <br />Administrator; and Doug Pepin, Arabian Hills resident; to draft a landscape plan to meet <br />the development agreement for Arabian Hills. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Department of Transportation Letter <br />Mayor John provided a letter dated June 23, 1994 that he received on October 28, <br />1994 from the Minnesota Department of Transportation notifying the city that after this <br />date Mn/DOT will only send copies of replacement plan applications (and subsequent <br />decisions) to mayors of cities directly affected by MN/DOT projects. If the City is <br />interested in receiving replacement plans for projects that do not directly affect our city <br />(but occur within the same watershed in which the city is located), they ask the city to <br />notify the Mn/Dot Office of Environmental Services within 30 days. <br />M/S/P John/Mottaz - to direct the city administrator to send a letter to Mn/DOT that we <br />would be interested in any projects which were affecting other cities within our <br />watershed district, and since we didn't receive the letter until October 28, 1994, that the <br />30 day period is not a valid one. The council requested receiving copies of both letters. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. Update on Potential Annexation Legislation <br />The city received a letter, dated November 1,1994, from Ellen Sampson, Leonard, <br />Street and Deinard, summarizing the meeting with Mayor John, City Administrator, <br />
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