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Welcome to this meeting. We are pleased that you are taking this means of participating in your City <br />government. On agenda items, the City is sincerely interested in your viewpoints and concerns. <br />However, the Council or Planning Commission may not be able to take public comments on all <br />issues or at any given meeting. If you wish to be heard: i <br />Raise your hand. <br />If the Mayor or Chairman can accept public comment, you will be recognized. <br />2. When recognized by the Mayor or Chairman, state your name and <br />address. <br />3. State your positions and reasons as. concisely as possible, <br />if you cannot be recognized, and still have concerns, please call the City Administrator, Mary <br />Kueffner, at 777-5510 during regular once hours. <br />1994 COUNCIL MEMBERS: CITY HALL ADDRESS, PHONE & HOURS: <br />Wyn John, Mayor Lake Elmo City Office 777-5510 <br />Rita Conlin 3800 Laverne Avenue N. 8 am - 4:30 pm <br />Richard Johnson Lake Elmo, MN 55042 Mon. - Friday <br />Jess Mottez <br />Karen Johnston <br />