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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />AGENDA SECTION: Claims NO. 3 <br />SUBJECT: Claim #3236 from 11-15-94 <br />DATE: December 6, 1994 <br />Background Information December 15, 1994: <br />Council requested an explanation of Claim #3236 in the amount of $139.82 in favor of Lampert <br />Lumber at its November 15, 1994, meeting. <br />When a representative of Lampert came into pick up the permit he had a check in the amount <br />of $2500 from Lampert's Minneapolis office. Apparently when the check was picked up the <br />final cost of the permit (for the expansion approved a few meetings ago) had not been finalized. <br />The result was that the permit totaled $2360.18, a difference of $139.82 which should be <br />refunded. <br />Action Requested by City Council: <br />I believe that the Council only asked for an explanation of the claim, it was not removed from <br />the claims list so no action is necessary. <br />Supporting Documentation: <br />Action Taken by City Council <br />