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01-03-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-03-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 3, 1995 <br />6. ANNUAL REVIEW OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS: <br />Jim McNamara provided a review on the (15) Conditional Use Permits which are <br />operating within their limitations. The permits for Hammes Mining and the Armstrong <br />Farm appear to be the only two CUP's that continue to be a concern. <br />Springborn Green Acres: Councilman Hunt indicated since the addition has been built, <br />there is 24 hour lighting on that site. McNamara will check into this. <br />Armstrong Farm: The vehicle count is down to 74 vehicles; therefore Armstrongs are in <br />compliance with their CUP. <br />Shafer Contracting Co. Inc.: Councilman DeLapp stated there are a large number of <br />people driving noisy ATV and snowmobiles up and down the sand banks. Does the <br />owners have any obligation to keep out trespassers. McNamara responded the city <br />has not received any noise complaints and asked the people to come to a meeting and <br />voice their concerns. <br />Trans City Investment: Councilman DeLapp pointed out there has been advertising <br />signs advertising available storage directed toward the traveling public. Is this <br />acceptable? <br />Jamie Olson Advertising Sign: Councilman DeLapp stated the frame or border is not to <br />extend 2' beyond any direction from the 200 sq.ft. maximum. The bottom frame still <br />goes out 48' and is only allowed two-thirds of that according to the sign ordinance. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp - to direct the Code Enforcement Officer to review the Jamie Olson <br />advertising sign for its compliance with the size of the frame and he (McNamara) confer <br />with the staff to determine if the city is being put in any potential risk and report back to <br />the council. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Rockin'L Trailer Sales: Attorney Filla explained the last time we spoke to Len Hansen <br />there was a suggestion he was using the property for rental purposes. If that use <br />continues, it is not a use allowed. The city wouldn't want Mr. Hansen to get the <br />impression by reviewing and approving the CUP portion of the property that the city is <br />approving the rental. <br />7. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. SW-1 Update on Discussions with Washington County <br />We have been negotiating with Washington County to get back the $75,000 that we <br />paid for West Sunfish Park, after the landfill closed. The law has changed that gives <br />the authority to monitor the cleanup of the landfill to the MPCA rather than Ramsey and <br />Washington Counties. The Counties have met their obligation for cleanup and can <br />recover their costs from the State, <br />
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