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03-21-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-21-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 21. 1995 3 <br />There was no one to speak against the variance request. <br />Mayor John closed the public hearing at 8:05 p.m. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt - to grant to Stephen Bachman for Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Ruth's 1st <br />Addition a variance to expand a legal non -conforming structure, a variance to setback <br />from the Ordinary High Water Mark, and a variance to the minimum floor elevation to <br />allow an addition to the existing structure as shown on site plan submitted (dated March <br />21, 1995) with application based on the favorable recommendation from the <br />Department of Natural Resources and the following Findings of Fact: (1) no net <br />increase in risk for damage with this addition because elevation is the same as the <br />house, (2) recognizing the lake elevations have changed since the original construction <br />of the house, (3) that a second septic system site could still be found on the property, <br />(4) removal of old deck would make the lot less non -conforming; and the variance is <br />conditioned upon the applicant combining Lots 4 and 5, Ruth's 1 st Addition, prior to <br />issuing a building permit, and with the understanding that the City will assume no <br />liability for damages incurred if the level of Lake Elmo, or the existing pond next to the <br />proposed addition rises to a point where they cause damage to the house. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />B. Lake Elmo Heights 3rd Addition - Preliminary Plat <br />Applicant: Royal Oaks <br />At the March 13, 1995 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended the council <br />approve the preliminary plat of Lake Elmo Heights 3rd Addition as presented, with the <br />following conditions: 1) that the applicant meets the conditions set forth by the Valley <br />Branch Watershed District in its letter of February 24, 1995; 2) meets the conditions set <br />forth by the City Engineer in his letter dated February 23, 1995; 3) meets the conditions <br />set forth by the City Planner in his letter dated February 22, 1995; 4) provides a revised <br />landscape plan with the final plat that is consistent with city landscape regulations and <br />incorporate Bob Helwig's comments that some of the discretion, of the placement on <br />the landscaping requirements of the individual lots, should compliment what the <br />individual property owner wants as long as its in compliance with the City ordinances; <br />5) the park land dedication as shown on the preliminary plat, and cash combination to <br />meet the city code requirements, be accepted by the city as recommended by the <br />Parks Commission; 6) that 27th Street not be used for construction and be so signed <br />for construction traffic. <br />The Council received a copy of a letter from Joseph Lux, Washington County Public <br />Works, indicating they have reviewed the revised platting of Lake Elmo Heights Third <br />Addition and found it to be acceptable. They would like access control to be shown on <br />the final plat on the south and east property lines. The location of the intersection of <br />26th Street and Inwood Avenue has been questioned due to limited sight distance and <br />have checked the location and found it to be marginally acceptable. They can accept <br />
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