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03-21-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-21-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 21, 1995 5 <br />5. The park land dedication as shown on the preliminary plat and cash combination to <br />meet the city code requirements be accepted by the city as recommended by the Parks <br />Commission and that the developer provide a 30' dedication South of 26th Street to line <br />up with the existing dedicated park to the north. <br />6. That 27th Street not be used for construction and be so signed for construction <br />traffic and acknowledge at Final Plat time there may be a recommendation from the <br />Planning Commission for 27th Street to remain a cul-de-sac and not be extended <br />based on their study for not extending this segment would not affect the residents' <br />health, safety, and welfare. (Motion passed 5-0):DeLapp:l will vote in favor of this <br />motion, but want the residents to know that I will do everything in my power to keep <br />27th Street from going through and will oppose having an easement to permit northerly <br />extension of Helmo Avenue, a high density traffic street, impact our city which will <br />seriously reduce the desirability of nearby residential property and would destroy some <br />of the associated wetlands and woods.) <br />C. Site and Plan Review: Carmelite Monastery <br />The Council reviewed the application for Site & Plan Review of Phase II for the <br />Carmelite Monastery on Demontreville Trail. Phase II will be the addition of separate <br />"Hermitages" off of the "Common Building". The Valley Branch Watershed District <br />stated that a permit for Phase II is not required. Building Official Jim McNamara <br />prepared a statement that the septic system will not need additional upgrade for Phase <br />II. <br />At the March 13, 1995 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended the City <br />Council approve the Site & Plan for Phase II of the Carmelite Monastery as presented. <br />M/S/P Johnston/DeLapp - to approve the Site and Plan for Phase II of the Carmelite <br />Monastery for the addition of separate "Hermitages" off of the Common Building based <br />on the 1991 concept approval of the City Council and based on a favorable <br />recommendation of the Planning Commission at its February 13, 1995 meeting. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />D. Planning Commission's Liaison to committee to review Agricultural Zoning <br />District Standards <br />Bob Helwig volunteered to represent the Planning Commission and Kathy Weeks was <br />asked to be the staff member involved. Councilman Hunt will call Kathy with potential <br />meeting dates and requested an article in the newsletter explaining the city will be <br />looking at uses that might be allowed in agricultural zoning and to invite people in the <br />Ag zone to attend the meeting or send in their comments. <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. 1995 Overlay Projects <br />
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