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03-07-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-07-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 7, 1995 <br />property owner's petition for detachment/annexation under Section 414.061 subdivision <br />( 5 of the state statutes regarding municipal planning. Property owners may initiate <br />proceedings for the concurrent detachment of their property from one municipality and <br />its annexation to an adjacent municipality by a petition signed by all the owners to the <br />municipal board. The council was of the opinion that the above provision which allows <br />a property owner to initiate proceedings for detachment/annexation is in direct conflict <br />with another state statute that gives municipalities as a single body of law the right to <br />conduct and implement municipal planning. The council felt it took away their rights as <br />elected officials to govern in a manner supported by a majority of the voters that elected <br />these officials to office. They also felt that our planning efforts, even though approved <br />by the Metropolitan Council, are jeopardized by threats of detachment/annexation by <br />disgruntled property owners. Conlin stated "this section is inconsistent with the reasons <br />behind the Land Use Planning Act." <br />M/S/P John/Conlin - to recommend that Senator Laidig and Representative Larsen <br />author bills in their respective legislative bodies that would repeal Section 414.061 <br />Subd. 5. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Larsen said she had seen a memo that all legislation pertaining to annexation would be <br />discussed in the next session, not the current one. She would find out the reasons and <br />fax the details to the city administrator. Larsen promised to author a bill to repeal <br />Section 414.061 Subd. 5 in the current session. <br />House File 147 is a bill that would place further restrictions on the use of tax increment <br />through the state. Under the bill, tax increment revenues would only be permitted to <br />fulfill commitments currently in place, pay reasonable administrative expenses or make <br />payments to school districts. In another provision school district approval would be <br />required for any tax increment district that is planned for housing. This is because even <br />though the current school revenue formula would provide for additional operation <br />revenues for new students in the tax increment district, the concern apparently <br />surrounds the capital needs of school districts that may be stressed by additional <br />students. The council felt TIF needs to be looked at and used appropriately. <br />Councilman Hunt was in favor of radical overhaul of TIF. It becomes an easy source of <br />money for the cities, but is taking money out of taxpayers pockets depriving them <br />benefit of the increased tax base. <br />Land Stewardship Projects Sustainable Development Proposal. This includes <br />expanding the metropolitan system plan from four to seven to include affordable <br />housing, water quality/resources and agricultural land. There was also a suggestion to <br />include educational facilities whereby a city would have to demonstrate that there is <br />enough classroom space available to serve new development. The Act proposed to <br />give the Met Council the authority to sue local governments that do not comply with the <br />blueprint and all seven metropolitan system plans. Conlin made a point that something <br />like this would really be a mistake because if this would have been in place a year ago <br />we would have a landfill. <br />
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