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MINUTES APPROVED: 3-21-95 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />MARCH 9, 1995 <br />Mayor John called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Lake Elmo Elementary <br />School. PRESENT: Hunt, John, Johnston, DeLapp, and City Engineer Bohrer. <br />ABSENT: Conlin. <br />City Engineer Bohrer explained as a means of maintaining the city street system <br />bituminous overlays are constructed to strengthen the street and seal off the cracks <br />from water. He and Dan Olinger, Maintenance Foreman, determined that the following <br />streets were ready to be overlaid. Because these reconditioned streets provide an <br />improvement to abutting property, the cost is assessed. The council has followed the <br />assessment method since 1993, that being each project is assessed separately, and <br />the city pays 10% of the project cost for the overlays. The city also pays an <br />assessment for city -owned property such as parks. <br />For the streets that are actually ordered to be improved, there will be an assessment <br />hearing after the work is completed, and the actual cost will be presented at that time. <br />There are two options for paying an assessment: you can pay within 30 days after the <br />close of that hearing or spread it over a number of years (3-5 years) collectible with the <br />real estate taxes. <br />Mayor John opened up the public hearing at 7:10 p.m. The public hearing notice for <br />the street improvements was published in the February 24, 1995 and March 3, 1995 <br />Stillwater Gazette and the March 8, 1995 Stillwater Gazette Extra. <br />PROJECT 1 - 42nd Street - from Jamaca Avenue to Lake Jane Trail <br />Est. Cost:$26,500 Assessable Units:22 , Est. Assessment Rate:$1,084 <br />42nd Street is part of our Municipal State Aid (MSA) System. It qualifies for State Aid <br />Construction or Maintenance Funds. It is in need of an overlay at this time and a 1-1/2" <br />overlay is planned along with catch basin repair. <br />Erik Broering, 8625 42nd St. N:, stated in 1991 when the water was installed they did <br />considerable amount of damage to the road. <br />Tom Jungmann, 8696 42nd St. N., stated the contractor damaged the road when water <br />was installed and they should not be assessed a large percentage for a street that was <br />damaged when they didn't receive any benefit because he couldn't hook up to the <br />water. The contractor or city should be liable or the people on the water system should <br />share in the improvement of the road. <br />