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WASHINOTON COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />GOVERNMENT CENTER <br />14900 615T STREET NORTH • STILLWATER, MINNESOTA 55082-0006 <br />612-430.6000 - Facsimile Machine 612-430.6017 <br />. February 8, 1995 <br />To Washington County Legislative Delegation Members: <br />D"s C. Hogberg <br />District 1 <br />Mary Hauser <br />District 2 <br />Welly Abrahamson <br />District atcheinnan <br />Myra Peterson <br />District 4 <br />Dove Engstrom <br />District 5 <br />The Washington County Board supports the request by the Valley Branch Watershed <br />District for an increase in their administrative fund levy cap ftom $125,000 per year <br />to a maximum of $200,000 per year in order to meet the increased administrative <br />costs of operating the District. The administrative fund covers clerical services, <br />auditing services, legal services, inspection services, and some types of engineering <br />services. Due to inflation and increased development in the area, all of these costs <br />have increased since 1980, the last time the cap was revised. <br />r <br />The District's administrative costs have also gone up due to increased responsibility. <br />The Wetland Conservation Act of 1991 now requires that the District serve as the <br />local governmental unit for municipalities in the District. In addition, the District is <br />required, by law, to revise t'he Water Management Plan every five years and perform <br />additional duties that have increased administrative expenses over the past two years. <br />Because of these increased costs, the District secured an advance from the 1995 fund <br />to cover the 1994 costs. However, the cost of operating the District in 1995 will not <br />decrease, and the District will have to increase the fund cap or continue to borrow <br />against the future. <br />Increasing the fund cap does not mean that the District will spend the full $200,000 <br />per year, but the increase does allow the Watershed District more leeway in handling <br />emergency situations, as well as the increased costs. In addition, the State Legislature <br />has increased the administrative fund cap for other Watershed Districts in the <br />Metropolitan area in the last few years. <br />Mnr a s yar ewr EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ,� `� <br />