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DRAFT <br />SPECIAL MEETING <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />June 23, 1995 <br />Mayor John called the meeting to order in the Council Chambers at Lake Elmo City Hall, 3800 Laverne Ave. <br />N. <br />1. Agenda. <br />Withdrawn - request by Wyn John for placement of a raft on Lake Jane. <br />M/S/P - to accept the agenda as amended. (Motion passed.) <br />2. REQUEST FOR PLACEMENT OF BUOYS ON LAKE JANE. <br />Applicant: Justin Bloyer. <br />The City received an application, from Justin Bloyer, to place a slalom course of buoys on Lake Jane, in front <br />of the Wagner property. The council received copies of the application and map drawn showing the position <br />of the course. The council received copies of a neighborhood petition, dated June 22, 1995, requesting <br />denial of the permit request. <br />The council took a moment the Staff memo, dated June 23, 1995, prepared by Administrator <br />Kueffner, and handed out at the meeting. Copies of the memo were available to the public at the meeting. <br />Mayor John voiced Staffs recommendation that the application for a water ski slalom course be denied, for <br />the following reasons: The Washington County Water Surface Use Application specifically states that the <br />water structures must be placed between the permit holders property lines as they extend into the lake, and <br />Mr. Bloyer is not the owner of the property identified on the map as area #2. Additionally, based on Mr. <br />Bloyer's total disregard for Lake Elmo's Water Surface Use Regulations, supported by the petitions of <br />concerned residents. <br />The council heard comments from the public, and Washington County Sheriffs Dept. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - to deny the application, of Justin Bloyer, for a water ski slalom course, based on <br />Staff recommendation. (Motion passed.) <br />3. DISCUSSION: WASHINGTON/RAMSEY COUNTY "LAKE JANE LANDFILL" <br />The council received copies of a letter, dated June 20, 1995, signed by Jim Schug, Washington County <br />Administrator, outlining the County's offer to the City for portions of the Lake Jane Landfill property. <br />Councilman Hunt asked, the City Attorney, is the motivation to settle with PCA quickly because most of the <br />counties want reimbursement? City Attorney Jerry Filla stated the Counties have spent a fair amount of <br />money over the years to install reasonable measures at the sight and in terms of the MN Landfill Clean-up Bill <br />are such that until PCA issues a Notice of Compliance the counties are going to continue being responsible <br />for those costs. Upon issuance of a Notice of Compliance two things happen - the Counties can stop <br />