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Larry Bohrer reported that T.F. Schifsky is behind schedule and according to their contract the <br />city can request liquidated damages. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp - to place on the next council agenda discussion of upholding the contract <br />with T.F. Schifsky and requesting $8,400 in liquidated damages.. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />4. South Washington County Draft Management Plan. <br />Larry Bohrer provided a draft of the Watershed Plan, dated August 24, 1995. The Council <br />expressed concerns for the impact to Lake Elmo of two main projects and their associated <br />funding formula. The two major projects affecting Lake Elmo property owners would be the <br />creation of a poncing area north of 1-94 and the construction of an outlet for the northern portion <br />of the watershed near the Woodbury -Cottage Grove border. Bohrer will write a letter with his <br />comments on the scope of project and fairness of funding and a copy of Bohrer's letter will be <br />sent to the affected property owners. <br />5. MPCA provided maps on restricted area in the SW-1 <br />Elmer Richert is considering selling ten acres to the city for a proposed maintenance facility. <br />The City Council decided to acquire the site for future expandability, request the property owner <br />give the city the right of first refusal, and city should go ahead and negotiate deal. If we can get <br />site in a timely manner, what are we going to do, have to discuss options. <br />M/S/P Conlin/DeLapp - adjourn workshop at 10:05. . <br />