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10-03-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-03-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 3, 1995 <br />M/S/P DeLapp/John - to approve the purchase for two 1,000 gallon fuel skid tanks complete with pumps <br />( and meters at $1,389 each and one 500 gallon fuel skid tank with pump and nozzle at $1,031 for a total <br />of $3,809 plus sales tax for installation at the maintenance site with the understanding that these tanks <br />can be relocated. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE AND ZONING <br />A. Sub/V/95 Resolution approving Final Plat of Eagle Point Creek Estates <br />Preliminary Plat approval for the subdivision of a 33.24 acre parcel Into 16 lots (7 developable) was <br />approved by the City Council on August 1, 1995. The Planning Commission approved the final plat at <br />their regular meeting on September 25, 1995. Larry Bohrer reported the Final Plat reflects the preliminary <br />plat as previously approved by the City Council. <br />Planner Terwedo reported she met with the developer and reviewed the existing vegetation on the site. <br />The grading plan indicates the amount of trees required based on the landscape ordinance. A suggestion <br />was made for installation of "Not -a -Through Street" sign at the cul-de-sac off Inwood Avenue. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnston - to adopt Resolution No. 95-50. A Resolution approving the Final Plat of Eagle <br />Point Creek Estates as presented and enter into a developer's agreement conditioned on the following: <br />1. The applicant meets conditions set forth by the Valley Branch Watershed in its letter dated September <br />1, 1995. <br />2. The applicant meets the conditions set forth by the City Engineer in his letter dated July 6, 1995 and <br />August 1, 1995. <br />3. The access permit from Washington County shall be submitted to the City. <br />4. The in -lieu -cash park land dedication shall be submitted to the City before the final plat is signed. <br />5. All City code requirements and comments made by the City Engineer regarding storm water detention <br />facilities, grading, erosion control measures and road construction shall be completed. <br />6. The developer enters into a Development Agreement with the City subject to approval by the City <br />Attorney. <br />7. All the Outlots (A-1) shall be combined with the lots in the Beau Haven subdivision as outlined. The <br />City shall review all legal descriptions for these lots. <br />8. No construction permits shall be issued until all property to be added to the existing properties in Beau <br />Haven has been transferred and recorded with Washington County. <br />9. The development agreement shall not be signed until the city receives an updated DNR permit for the <br />bridge crossing. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Ordinance defining Recreational Lake Lot <br />Recreational Lake Lot. An existing non -conforming lot in the Shoreland District that is identified by its own <br />parcel identification number; which is unbuildable for single family residential purposes; or may provide <br />private access to a lake or can be used to support water oriented accessory structures as permitted in <br />the City's Shoreland District. <br />
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