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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIUPLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP <br />WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1996 <br />Mayor John called the workshop to order at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers. PRESENT: <br />CITY COUNCIL:Hunt, Conlin, John, Johnston, DeLapp, PLANNING COMMISSION:Berg <br />(departed 9:35 p.m.), Helwig, Colombo, Carlson, Monette, CITY STAFF: Administrator Kueffner, <br />Planner Terwedo, Public Works Supv. Olinger, FIRE DEPT:Malmquist. <br />I.AGENDA <br />ADD: #3. Discussion on Composting <br />M/S/P Johnston/Hunt - to approve the January 31, 1996 agenda as amended. (Motion passed 5- <br />0). <br />2. MINUTES: January23, 1996 <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt -to approve the January 23, 1996 workshop minutes as presented. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />3. Discussion on Composting <br />Since the information the City received on composting was misrepresented, Council member <br />Conlin asked that the City Council direct the Solid Waste Advisory Committee discuss the future <br />of the City's compost program. Councilman Hunt suggested the committee also look at a City - <br />run compost facility versus a private composting business. Administrator Kueffner has invited Sig <br />Scheurle of the Office of Environmental Assistance to attend the Solid Waste Advisory <br />Committee meeting on February 5, 1996, <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt - to direct the Solid Waste Advisory Committee to review the City's <br />composting program as a service the City provides. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />4. Public Works Site Selection (Continued) <br />Mayor John read out loud a letter from Judy Blackford. Mayor John explained the Council had <br />received a letter from Judy Blackford at their January 23rd workshop, but because of the late <br />hour it was not read out loud. <br />Joe Baumann, 9383 Jane Circle N., had talked to the Minnesota Lung Assoc. about the hazards <br />of a compost site. The Council asked if this could be clarified - what type of composting (was it <br />just yard waste) were they talking about, was this his (rep. from MN Lung Assoc.) opinion or the <br />Association's opinion. <br />In regard to the site along Ideal and Hwy 5 owned by 3M suggested by Commissioner McLeod, <br />Councilman Hunt contacted 3M and they were not interested in selling. One of the criteria for <br />selecting a site was the ability to have a willing seller. <br />