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03-19-96 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-19-96 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 19, 1996 <br />M/S/P Hunt/John - to amend the motion to include the following: Cost participation: change to "the city's <br />cost will not exceed r-o-w $9,400'; M. Indemnification - be modified per the City attorney's Instruction <br />after discussion with the County Attorney indicating that it would be a cross Indemnification of the parties <br />based upon negligence as opposed to its current reading and add a condition that the County will ask for <br />City concurrence before the contract is awarded providing the cost is higher than what has been <br />estimated. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />M/S/P HunUDeLapp - that the City approve an appropriate resolution requesting the use of MSA funds as <br />an off system expenditure on CSAH 13. (This motion does not require the City to use this money, but <br />gives the City the option to evaluate that option). (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Financial support of St. Croix Valley Sports Facility <br />The City received a letter from Mike Polehna, St.Croix Valley Sports Commission, requesting funding for <br />the St. Croix Valley Sports Complex in Stillwater. Their goal is for communities to contribute $25.00 per <br />capita over 10 years. It was determined that 77% of Lake Elmo residents reside in School District #834. <br />As per their funding plan, which is based on population, the Commission is asking the City to contribute <br />$116,600 or $11,660 per year over 10 years. <br />The Council had the following discussion. Councilor Conlin felt the economic benefit for City of Stillwater <br />should be considered. Councilman Hunt explained there are two other school districts, 622 and 832, in <br />Lake Elmo that have residents pursuing programs for arenas and recreational facilities. If we contribute <br />to one, we should contribute to all three. He would not like to approve this without public support by a <br />referendum. Councilman DeLapp requested the Parks Commission's endorsement. Mayor John <br />supported the project in principle, but was concerned there is no vocal resident support. Also, we have a <br />proposal for an open air ice rink in Sunfish Park which will be considered as part of the Parks Capital <br />Improvement Plan. The Council discussed the possibility of a referendum or a telephone survey in order <br />to assess resident's opinions. <br />Administrator Kueffner reported that Oak Parks Heights conditionally supported this request, and she will <br />request a copy of their reservations. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin - that the Parks Commission be directed to discuss the proposal for financial <br />compensation to the St. Croix Sports Facility since the money would come off its budget and ask that <br />they make a recommendation to the City Council. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />C. Letter from J.D. Rogers Group, Inc. <br />The City received a letter from Joe Rogers informing the City that 17 acres located north of Chicago <br />Northwestern Railroad and South of Hwy 5 is for sale for $200,000. <br />5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. Assessment Policy (Request for postponement) <br />M/S/P HunUDeLapp - to table the assessment policy until the next City Council meeting. (Motion passed <br />4-0). <br />B. Report from Ag Committee on permitted uses in Ag zoning district <br />Councilman Hunt reported the Ag Committee met and made a motion asking the City Administrator to put <br />together an analysis of a set of conditions by which the City would accept storage as an allowed use and <br />then present it to the Council at the April 16th meeting. At that point, the Council can determine if the City <br />should pursue storage as an allowed use. <br />
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