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04-02-96 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-02-96 CCM
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'LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 2, 1996 <br />Attorney Filla explained the code allows three options for manufactured homes and not one of the three <br />options are applicable to this request. Also, the code states you cannot put a manufactured home on the <br />parcel that has a dwelling that is occupied, which this property does. Mr. Emerson is asking to expand a <br />legal non -conforming use. <br />C. Request by Bob White <br />Robert S. White submitted a letter to the City requesting he be permitted to proceed with his concept plan <br />for a f 5-lot development on land located at Keats Avenue and Highway 36. Mr. White requested the City <br />consider this plan as a pilot project to be approved for development while the final clustering ordinance is <br />- - being completed. <br />Planner Terwedo explained the City has a development moratorium, and we do not have adopted <br />regulations to evaluate this project. The development moratorium is for six months or until June 1, 1996. <br />As of this date, the Draft Open Space Ordinance does not address minimum lot sizes, septic issue or <br />density bonus. <br />The Council explained to Mr. White that it cannot do a pilot project unless the City amends the <br />moratorium.. The moratorium is part of the city's zoning regulations. If the Council were to amend the <br />moratorium, they would have to follow the process of calling a public hearing for the Planing Commission <br />to change the terms of the moratorium ordinance which would take until the middle of May. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin - to direct the Planning Commission to review the issues of minimum lot sizes, septic <br />issues and density bonus and the comments made at the Open House on April 3rd and to put together a <br />report for the Council for the next meeting and when they would feel comfortable in passing along the <br />final draft of the Open Space Ordinance. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />D. Request by churches for "sport free" Sunday mornings <br />The City has received several letters from church leaders requesting the City refrain from allowing our <br />ballfields to be used on Sunday mornings so that parents do not have to make the decision of church <br />over sport activities. <br />The Council suggested Churches should talk to athletic associations who would have more control over <br />when the clubs set their practices and game times. The Church could look Into having alternate church <br />services. It is the parents' job to set the expectations of the family and why should the City penalize non- <br />Christians by forbidding use of our ballfields. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin - to direct the City Administrator to send a letter to the applicants explaining the City <br />does not feel this is the role of the City. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />E. Clean -Up Day <br />Administrator Kueffner asked for ideas or suggestions from the Council on holding a City Clean -Up Day. <br />The Council asked the City Administrator to contact Oakdale to see if Lake Elmo could go in with <br />Oakdale's Clean Up Day and to contact waste haulers to see if they would be interested. <br />F. Reminder of Open House on Open Space Cluster Development <br />The Open House on developing standards for Open Space Cluster Development is scheduled for April 3, <br />1996, 7 p.m. at City Hall. <br />5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />A. Assessment Policy - postponed until the April 16, 1996 Council meeting. <br />
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