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05-21-96 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-21-96 CCM
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DRAFT <br />Meeting Minutes <br />Joint MAC/City Council Workshop <br />May 20, 1996 <br />Mayor John called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. <br />Present: Mayor John, Karen Johnston, Steve Delapp, Lee Hunt, Rita Conlin arrived at 7:20 <br />Mac Committee members, Dick Johnson, Bill Wacker, Bud Talcott, Dick Gustafson <br />Others: Ann Pung-Terwedo, Dan Olinger, Mike Bouthilet <br />Ann Pung-Terwedo reviewed the programming needs for the various departments. <br />Maintenance/Public Works, Fire Department, Parks <br />Steve Delapp questioned the commiment of Lakeview Hospital to use the parks building and the <br />Parks Department needs. Mike Bouthilet stated that the Parks Department close to Reid, VFW, <br />Lions, and Tablyn is efficient but so is being closer to the parks in the TRI-Lake Area. <br />Dick Johnson questioned the costs to upgrade the building. Lake view Hospital will be upgrading <br />the building. <br />Ann Pung-Terwedo reviewed the plan for the existing maintenance building and how the building <br />may be modified to accommodate the Fire Department and Parks. <br />Mike Bouthilet stated the Jayceess may be interested in the parks building. <br />Ann Pung-Terwedo reviewed the cold storage building and the future uses of that based on the <br />Public Works Department and Parks. <br />Dick Johnson stated that the city needs a second civil service siren. <br />Dick Johnson questioned the compost site. Karen Johnson reminded him that this is separate is- <br />sue. <br />Rita Conlin asked about the CIP for new equipment. Dan Olinger stated that the Public Works <br />Department will need a new truck and snowplow within 5-10 years. Since 1984, the department <br />has added a fourth snowplowing route and the parks department became its own department. <br />Performance of contracting services vs. City service was discussed. <br />Bill Wacker stated he has experienced good vs. bad contractors vs. staff. <br />Rita Conlin questioned the cost sharing effort at Washington County. Could Lake Elmo share <br />with the County? <br />Bill Wacker felt that the building should be built for 15-20 years. What are the future needs of the <br />
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